St Ciarán's NS, Castlejordan

Principal's Welcome


Dia daoibh,

Ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur romhat chuig suíomh idirlín nua Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Ciarán, Caisleán Shiurdáin. Mar do phríomhoide, is mór an pléisiúr dom a bheith ag obair lenár bhfoireann thiomanta agus lenár bpobal chun cabhrú le heispéireas oideachais den scoth a sholáthar dár mic léinn. Táimid tiomanta do chinntiú go bhfaighidh do leanaí an tacaíocht is fearr chun foghlaim agus fás.

I want to welcome you to the new website of St Ciarán’s NS, Castlejordan. As your principal, it is my sincere pleasure to work with our dedicated staff and community to help provide an excellent educational experience for our students. We are committed to ensuring that your children receive the best support to learn and grow.

Is í an fhís atá agam do Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Ciarán ná eispéireas oideachasúil a sholáthar do mhic léinn a spreagann agus a spreagann iad le bheith ina bhfoghlaimeoirí ar feadh an tsaoil agus ina rannpháirtí comhbhách leis an domhan mórthimpeall orthu. Is é an sprioc atá againn timpeallacht chothaithe a sholáthar a fhreastalaíonn ar riachtanais aonair gach mac léinn, go hacadúil agus go sóisialta.

My vision for St Ciarán’s NS is to provide students with an educational experience that inspires and motivates them to be lifelong learners and caring contributors to the world around them. Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment that meets the individual needs of each student, both academically and socially.

Glacann teaghlaigh, múinteoirí agus gach ball foirne tacaíochta páirt i gcuidiú lenár gcuid mac léinn forbairt go hacadúil, go sóisialta agus go mothúchánach. Le chéile, is féidir linn difríocht dhearfach a dhéanamh. Cothaíonn comhpháirtíocht láidir idir an baile agus an scoil rath níos fearr dár leanaí.

Families, teachers and all support staff play a part in helping our students develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can make a positive difference. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children.

Tugtar cuireadh do thuismitheoirí a bheith páirteach i gCumann na dTuismitheoirí. Is bealach iontach é ballraíocht a ghlacadh le PA na scoile chun do chuid smaointe a chloisteáil, chomh maith le tacú le fís ár scoile. Spreagaimid tuismitheoirí chun cumarsáid a dhéanamh le múinteoirí agus leis an bhfoireann chun comhpháirtíocht rathúil a chothú.

Parents are invited to become involved in our Parents' Association. Joining the school PA is a wonderful way to have your ideas heard, as well as support the vision of our school. We encourage parents to communicate with teachers and staff to foster a successful partnership.

Táimid ar bís as an deis oibriú leat féin agus le do leanbh chun timpeallacht foghlama atá sábháilte agus táirgiúil a sholáthar. Molaim duit dul i dteagmháil le smaointe, imní nó ceisteanna a roinnt. Guím gach rath ar do theaghlach, agus go háirithe ar do mhac léinn, le linn a dturas i Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Ciarán, Caisleán Shiurdáin.

We are excited for the opportunity to work with you and your child to provide a safe and productive learning environment. I encourage you to get in touch to share ideas, concerns, or questions. I wish your family, and especially your student, great success during their journey in St Ciarán’s NS, Castlejordan.

Míle buíochas,

Mr. B. McArdle


"Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. ~ Bob Beauprez

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There was no MARGerINe for error as the children in Infants CHURNed out a big SPREAD!
Thanks to Isabella who designed this wonderful Board game in her own free time. The class had a great time learning to play MISSION: MOUNT EVEREST
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© 2025 St Ciarán's NS, Castlejordan